
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Murphy's Law and Fashion

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Murphy’s Law states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,” and at the worst possible time.

That law has caused me many headaches through the years.

It holds particular true with fashion.

This is one thing my wife and I both agree on.

I thought I’d list a few of our Murphy’s Law of Fashion scenarios.

Number one for me are stains.

If I get a brand new shirt that fits just right, I’m going to drop a glob of something on it the first meal I wear it.


A good hairspray will hold your hair in place all day, but a ten minute nap will put a kink in it that will last until the next washing.

On the day you are scheduled for a family photo, you will wake up with a pimple.

Here’s a few for the ladies.

The more attractive the shoes, the more difficult they will be to walk in.

The more stylish purse, the less it will hold.

You can be wearing the most lovely shade of lipstick and discover it doesn’t look as good on your teeth.

No matter how fashionable you think you look right now, your children and grandchildren will one day laugh at a picture of you.

I can be wearing the most expensive outfit I know, and at the end of the day it loses something, when I discover a piece of toilet paper I’ve been dragging around from the bottom of my shoe.

Also, the majority of dress shirts I own fit me beautifully, except for the sleeves, which reach down to my fingernails.

I wind up looking like a five year old wearing his dad’s shirt.

Just a few fashion issues we all deal with.

I suppose the most puzzling of all for me is when my favorite pair of jeans that I’ve worn for months, all of a sudden, appear to shrink after drying.

That one has me stumped.

See you out there.

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