
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


E Pluribus Unum

Saturday, August 12, 2023

I’ve always enjoyed politics.

I enjoy interviewing politicians.

I enjoy debates.

For the last few years, however, some of the joy has left me when it comes to our nation’s leaders.

There is so much division, as well as, remarks fueled with hatred, that it has become increasingly upsetting to follow.

With an election looming in 2024 it’s already starting.

Remember the warning, “Don’t be your own worst enemy.”

Our republic is becoming schizophrenic.

Neighbors, friends, family, fellow Americans too often show no tolerance for each other’s political differences.

Democrats hate MAGA conservatives.

Republicans hate Marxist liberals.

Independents find both repulsive.

Presidents speak to only those who vote for them.

Corporate executives market to customers who support the same social issues they do, ignoring the rest of their customers.

Once we were a melting pot, a diverse national population of unified immigrants rallying around one national anthem, one flag, and the nation’s mantra of E Pluribus Unum, from many comes one.

Today we are conflicted with multiple national anthems, multiple flags, multiple groups divided by equity for some, not equality for all.

We are a nation filled with political bias, and political party misconduct.

It saddens me to see America so broken.

As a favorite little cartoon possum once said, “Yes, we have met the enemy, and it is us.”

Hang on folks.

I guarantee you ain’t seen nothing yet.

See you out there.

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