Superstition (9/14/24)Are you superstitious? If you read my column you’ll know that I consider myself mildly superstitious. I’ll avoid walking under ladders. I’ll knock on wood, and I’m not too thrilled if I break a mirror. This afternoon I jumped a curb to avoid a black cat crossing the street...
Hallowed Be Thy Name (9/14/24)Christian apologetics is for the purpose of explaining the faith and defending it from erroneous accusations. No one is argued into believing, but Christians should know and understand as well as internalize the truth of God’s Word, to be able to identify fallacious charges against Christianity. ...
Library Card (9/14/24)“She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling. She travelled all over the world while sitting in her little room in an English village.” This statement was under a picture of a girl seated in a rocking chair with a lamp next to her when I scrolled through Facebook early this morning. ...
Conquering The Unattainable (9/14/24)“Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced; if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.” (Joshua 14:12)...
Senior Center Month (9/10/24)September is National Senior Center Month, and across the country senior centers are celebrating with various activities and informative speakers to promote their mission—to create a healthy environment, physically, socially, mentally, nutritionally, and financially for older Americans to keep them independent longer...
What's in a name? (9/7/24)I’ve always liked my name but I know many that do not. My son, in fact, does not like his name. A person’s name has meaning. The study of names is called onomastics. I looked up the meaning of my name, Jeffrey, and discovered it is of English origins...
Consideration (9/7/24)Kindness is often encouraged as a random act, but this is only a start. Consideration is a step beyond kindness. Consideration is thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect and being kindly awareness of another’s feelings and circumstances. Consideration is an act in the best interest of others even when no one is around...
The Right Way (9/7/24)God is a God of righteousness and does what is right. Abraham said of God, “… Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25) John declared unto us, “… That God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5) God has given the world His word, and His word is right. ...
Saving for the future (9/3/24)Over the years, I enjoyed listening to financial gurus like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman, and I learned a lot from them. However, I wish I would have known about them many years ago when I first started working, I would be a lot better prepared for my retirement years...
Stress Relief (8/31/24)Pressure. A feeling of stress or anxiety because you have too much to do or because people are depending on you for something. Have you ever felt that? Sure you have. Some of us more than others, but all have felt stressed at one time or another. Here are few tips the experts say will help reduce that stress...
Christ the Solid Rock (8/31/24)Over the years, I’ve observed some acquaintances and former parishioners of the congregations I have served in the past who became angry with God and decided that worshipping Him was pointless. Some became angry at God because He did not heal a loved one or had not bailed them out of emergencies. ...
New Nonfiction (8/31/24)I have always heard that truth is stranger than fiction, and many times this old adage rings true. Some memoirs are so fascinating that they read like a great novel. Books based on true crime are an extremely popular genre. The Manson and Bundy names strike a chord in most adults’ head. ...
Trusting Liars To Tell The Truth (8/31/24)King David had promised his friend Jonathan, the son of King Saul, that he would be merciful to his descendants when he became king. Saul’s son, Ishbosheth, continued to fight to retain the kingdom, but eventually David became king over all of Israel...
Sweet Healing Powers (8/27/24)For centuries dating back to the ancient Egyptians, honey has had many uses besides a great sweetener. The Egyptians used it for embalming fluid, and because of its natural antibiotic component, it was also used as a dressing for wounds. Today, it is still used for everything from wound care to cough suppression. According to Webmd.com, it is especially useful for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and holistic practitioners consider it as one of nature’s best natural remedies...
Universal Basic Income (8/24/24)I receive a lot of news items working for a newspaper. I also read many newspapers, local and national. I’m beginning to see articles again encouraging implementing a universal basic income. Some claim that UBI, a taxpayer-funded minimum monthly payment would reduce poverty and inequality...
Our Great Hope (8/24/24)Psalm 96 is believed by some learned Bible scholars as a song of celebration when the treasured Ark of the Covenant was returned by the Philistines who had taken it from Israel. Some saw its return as nothing less than having God with them again. That elaborate, God-designed box contained the Ten Commandments, the staff of Aaron which had led the people from slavery in Egypt, and a bowl of manna from heaven which fed the hungry people in the desert. ...
Featuring Writers (8/24/24)I watched a movie the other night about a female writer moving to a Florida orange grove set in 1928. Marjorie left her husband and soon discovered that the Florida property had been unattended for some time and that this land was in the swamps. Undaunted, she cleaned and worked diligently to improve this place. ...
The God That Is Jehovah (8/24/24)Jehovah God should be praised for who He is! God, throughout history, has proven to mankind that He is Jehovah, and there is no one or nothing which compares to Him. (Isaiah 40:25; 46:5) Jehovah proved to Israel that He was Jehovah by delivering them from Egyptian slavery. ...
Age related eye problems (8/20/24)For years, as my parents aged, I noticed my mother dabbing her eyes one minute and then putting bottled eye drops in the next. My dad suffered with watery eyes as well and there was a Kleenex box in practically every room in the house. Now, I’m doing the dabbing, and those Kleenex boxes are in every room in my house. As we age, so do our eyes, and the Cleveland Clinic describes a variety of problems that affect our vision in the autumn and winter of our lives...
Knowing the Wisdom of God (8/17/24)In the blessed congregations of the Church Body I currently serve and just before the sermon begins, there is a greeting delivered to the people of God, reminding the worshippers of why we gather to worship our Lord. Sometimes it will begin with this invocation: “In the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Often called the “Invocation”, we invoke or proclaim the name of the One True God for Whom we gather and worship—Jesus the Christ. ...
Tween Reading (8/17/24)It is easy to forget the joy of reading when free time is often filled with TV shows, social media, video games, and other visual entertainment. Great books for young people are being published, and kids are willing to read these books if someone introduces them to the library or has a conversation about books. Just looking at social media, many posts are about books on various topics encouraging others to read!...
God’s Part And Man’s Part (8/17/24)God has always required that man work with Him in order for His will to be accomplished. God does His part and requires man to do his part. This is also true in regard to man being saved. Consider the following examples from the scriptures. By God’s power, He graciously gave Israel the land of Canaan after they came out of Egypt. ...
Reduce the risks, live longer (8/13/24)I’ve always jokingly said the best things about growing old are the AARP discounts and being a Walmart greeter, but for many older adults, the Autumn and Winter of their years are not necessarily the best. However, if you prepare, not just financially, but also physically, those years can be the most enjoyable...
Who's the Sheriff? (8/10/24)Who’s the sheriff? That’s the million dollar question following Tuesday’s election after the miscount of votes. I know there are many questions being asked and rumors spreading throughout the County. How did this happen? How do you miss an entire box of ballots?...
Returning to God (8/10/24)The book of 1 Kings records the life and ministry of the prophet Elijah, who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel in 19th century BC. God had instructed Elijah to call God’s people to repent from worshipping the false god, Baal. King Ahab built a temple for Baal, and his wife Jezebel brought many priests and prophets of Baal and into the country. The King of Israel at that time was a wicked man named Ahab, who promoted Baal worship, some say at the behest of his wife, Jezebel. ...
Laura FordAging Gracefully
The Answer manThe Answer Man
At Your ServiceAt Your Service
Mike MilamAt Your Service
Christy MercerAt Your Service
Laveta LockridgeAt Your Service
Mariann WrightAt Your Service
Richard RickmanAt Your Service
Jeff DorrisDeliberations from Dorris
Graham A ColditzFor Your Health