
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Bread Crumbs

Saturday, January 7, 2023


Every election we hear about it.

More transparency is always promised.

Sounds good, but the follow through is weak.

With 20 of the last 22 council meetings ending with a closed session it’s apparent that transparency is not a priority.

There are valid reasons for going into closed session.

However, it should not be the norm.

The public has a right to know.

Closed sessions are fodder for social media sites.

Rumors abound and truths are exaggerated.

The dictionary states that transparency is the quality of being easily seen through.

When used in context to a business or government it is defined as being open and honest.

There it is, folks.

Open and honest.

I’ve written many columns on this subject as have others, so I won’t go on and on regarding this subject.

However, if we were indeed to have open, honest, transparent council meetings we wouldn’t have the uproar from citizens we are now experiencing.

It shouldn’t be a matter of how little you can tell the public, but how much you can tell the public.

There is always more details they can give us.

We demand more than bread crumbs.

See you out there.

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