
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Memories of summers past

Saturday, June 22, 2019

With the arrival of summer I’m reminded of so many memories from this area. Although, I was primarily raised in northern Illinois, many trips were made throughout my life visiting relatives in the bootheel.

The roots of my family are here.

A lot of these trips were in the summer. On average we spent about three weeks a year in the Kennett area during the summer with other trips throughout the year.

Our family reunion was usually held at Easter and we always made that trip as well,congregating at the community center or the park.

There are so many memories for me of this area.

Dinners at the Steak House, playing on the big airplane at Jones Park, and of course the Kennett Pool.

My family did a lot of shopping on these trips and I can look at my vinyl record collection and still tell you which albums I bought at Sterlings on the Square.

Staying with my aunt in Senath and eating a cheeseburger at Kampus Korner while planning a day trip to Memphis is another memory that springs to mind.

I had relatives all over this area.

My Great Grandma and Grandpa Grimes lived in Deering.

A summer memory of visiting them includes huge, early morning breakfasts and tiny, ice cold bottles of coca-cola in the fridge.

My dad grew up on a farm in Gobler and we still take a drive over there and look at the property.

His house still stands.

I smile when I think that my dad walked every inch of that land as a boy.

I drive down Kennett Street everyday and pass by the house my mother lived in when she was dating my father.

My Grandma Davidson worked at Grabers in the very building I work in everyday.

Good memories.

Kennett has lost a lot in the last few years, but one thing we haven’t lost is good people.

For me it’s always been this area’s greatest asset.

When you ask people why they move back here, most will tell you it’s because of family.

Kennett is family.

Most of mine are gone. They’re buried here in Kennett.

But sometimes I like to go outside the office and walk the square and remember. I can still feel their presence as I reflect on the wonderful times here.

I hope you enjoy your summer. Make memories with your family.

I hope someday in the future, my children and grandchildren will come here and look at these streets, drive to the family farm, and say to themselves, it all started here.

See you out there.

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