January 18, 2024
Tess Payton Killian, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, admits parole violation, continue on probation with EMP;
Tess Payton Killian, Probation Revocation Hearing – Resisting/Interfering With Arrest for Felony, admits parole violation, continue on probation with EMP;
Brannan James Kinder, Domestic Assault 4th Degree, Unlawful Use of Weapon – Exhibiting, pled guilty to Count I, sentenced to 90 days in Dunklin County Jail, give credit for time served, Count II dismissed;
Matthew James McComb, Resisting Arrest/Detention/Stop by Fleeing Creating a Substantial Risk of Serious Injury/Death to Any Person, to appear Jan. 24;
Matthew James McComb, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Jan. 24;
Mathew James McComb, Probation Revocation Hearing – Tampering With Motor Vehicle 1st Degree, reset to Jan. 24;
Connor McElwrath, Bond Hearing – Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, reset to Jan. 24;
Jeffery Jay Dewayne McNece, Possession of Controlled Substance, pled guilty, sentenced to 15 years in Missouri Department of Corrections, to run concurrent with other cases*;
Jeffery Jay Dewayne McNece, Probation Revocation Hearing – Forgery, Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, admits parole violation, probation revoked, sentence executed seven years in Missouri Department of Corrections on each count, to run concurrent with some cases, consecutive to others*;
Jeffery Jay Dewayne McNece, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, admits parole violation, probation revoked, sentence executed seven years in Missouri Department of Corrections, to run concurrent with some cases, consecutive to others*;
Jeffery Jay Dewayne McNece, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, Driving While Revoked/Suspended, admits parole violation, probation revoked, sentence executed five years in Missouri Department of Corrections, to run concurrent with some cases, consecutive to others*;
Kenny Oscar Medley, Probation Revocation Hearing – Resisting/Interfering With Arrest for Felony, reset to Jan. 24;
Kenny Oscar Medley, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Jan. 24;
Kenny Oscar Medley, Probation Revocation Hearing – Possession of Controlled Substance, reset to Jan. 24;