June 18, 2024

September 27, 2023 Enoch Everett Masterson Jr., Deliver Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Oct. 11; Matthew James McComb, Resisting Arrest/Detention/Stop by Fleeing Creating Substantial Risk of Serious Injury/Death to Any Person, to appear Oct. 19;...

September 27, 2023

Enoch Everett Masterson Jr., Deliver Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Oct. 11;

Matthew James McComb, Resisting Arrest/Detention/Stop by Fleeing Creating Substantial Risk of Serious Injury/Death to Any Person, to appear Oct. 19;

Matthew James McComb, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Oct. 19;

Matthew James McComb, Probation Revocation Hearing – Tampering With Motor Vehicle 1st Degree, reset to Oct. 19;

Michael David McDaniel, Possession of Controlled Substance, to appear Oct. 11;

Travis Dale McGowin, Possession of Controlled Substance, to appear Oct. 25;

Danny McLeod, Operate Vehicle on Highway Without Valid License – 3rd and Subsequent Offense, to appear Nov. 21;

James Michael Miller Sr., Property Damage 1st Degree, to appear Oct. 11;

Jason George Miller Jr., Possession of Controlled Substance, change of venue to Pemiscot County;

Vanessa Montemayor, Delivery of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Oct. 11;

Danny Joe Moore, Domestic Assault 2nd Degree, Kidnapping 2nd Degree, Domestic Assault 4th Degree – 1st or 2nd Offense, to appear Oct. 19;

Shawndra L Morris, Probation Revocation Hearing – Passing Bad Check, reset to Oct. 11;

Nelgin Marie Muntz, Possession of Controlled Substance, pled guilty, suspended imposition of sentence, five years supervised probation;

Trystan Isaac Nelson, Domestic Assault 3rd Degree, to appear Oct. 11;

Terry L Palmer, Property Damage 1st Degree, to appear Oct. 25;

Willa Dale Parker, Delivery or Possession of Controlled Substance at County/Private Jail/Correctional Center Except With Prescription, to appear Oct. 25;

Willa Dale Parker, Probation Revocation Hearing – Forgery, Make False Affidavit to Mislead Public Servant, reset to Oct. 25;

Willa Dale Parker, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Oct. 25;

Tresa D Patton, Two Counts Tamper or Attempt to Tamper With Victim in Felony Prosecution, to appear Oct. 25, pre-trial conference Feb. 14, jury trial March 1;

Benjamin Lamont Pruitt, Burglary 2nd Degree, to appear Oct. 25;

James Author Ragland, Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Firearm, Unlawful Use of Weapon – Possess Weapon and Felony Controlled Substance, Count I dismissed, pled guilty to Count II, sentenced to four years in Missouri Department of Corrections, Count III dismissed;

James Author Ragland, Resisting/Interfering With Arrest for Felony, pled guilty, four years in Missouri Department of Corrections;

Stephanie L Rector, Stealing - $750 or More, to appear Oct. 25;

Mincese Kertis Riley Jr., Tampering With Motor Vehicle 1st Degree, Leaving Scene of Accident – Property Damage Exceeding $1,000, to appear Oct. 11;

Mincese Kertis Riley Jr., Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Oct. 11;

Allen E Samples, Probation Revocation Hearing – Burglary 1st Degree, Domestic Assault 3rd Degree, continue on probation with EMP;

Mya Leann Schwanke, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Controlled Substance, pled guilty to Count I, suspended imposition of sentence, five years supervised probation, to pay $300 to DCLERF, Count II dismissed;

Marika C Scott, Child Molestation 2nd Degree – Child Less Than 12 Years of Age, Assault 4th Degree, to appear Nov. 8;

Holly A Shipp, Stealing - $750 or More, to appear Nov. 8;

Charlie E Smith, Probation Revocation Hearing - Three Counts Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, continue on probation;

Quention Dewayne Smith, DWI – Serious Physical Injury, DWI – Physical Injury, DWI – Physical Injury, probation revocation hearing set for Oct. 11;

Ronnie Dale Smith Jr., Domestic Assault 3rd Degree, to appear Oct. 25;

Jarvis M Stewart, Assault 2nd Degree, to appear Oct. 19;

Douglas Ray Stinson Jr., Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Oct. 25;

Jessie Von Swinney Jr., Fail to Register as Sex Offender, to appear Nov. 8;

J.W. Taylor, Trespass 1st Degree, to appear Oct. 11;

J.W. Taylor, Resisting/Interfering With Arrest for Felony, to appear Oct. 11;

J.W. Taylor, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Oct. 11;

J.W. Taylor, Probation Revocation Hearing – Escape or Attempted Escape Fro Custody While Under Arrest for Felony, to appear Oct. 11;

Mitchell Wayne Thacker, Probation Revocation Hearing - Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, admits parole violation, sentenced to seven years in Missouri Department of Corrections;

Roger Shawn Tompkins, Possession of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, to appear Nov. 21;

Jeremy Thomas Varney, Probation Revocation Hearing – Two Counts Domestic Assault 2nd Degree, reset to Oct. 11;

Jose Angel Velasquez, Endangering the Welfare of a Child 2nd Degree, to appear Oct. 11;

Jose Angel Velasquez, Endangering the Welfare of a Child Creating Substantial Risk 1st Degree – 1st Offense – No Sexual Conduct, to appear Oct. 11;

Emanuel Andujar Wheeler, Probation Revocation Hearing - Delivery of Controlled Substance Except 35 Grams or Less of Marijuana/Synthetic Cannabinoid, reset to Oct. 11;

Emanuel Andujar Wheeler, Probation Revocation Hearing – Assault 2nd Degree, Two Counts Resisting/Interfering With Arrest for Felony, Animal Abuse, Assault on Police Animal, reset to Oct. 11;

Martez L Williams, Two Counts Possession of Forging Instrument, to appear Jan. 10;

Robert Earl Williams, Pre-Trial Hearing – Trespass 1st Degree, pled guilty, fined;

Eric Dwayne Woods, Forgery, to appear Oct. 11.

Information on some cases provided was incomplete.
