
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


The Power of Words

Saturday, October 29, 2022

“There is nothing in this world that has as much power as a word.” - Emily Dickinson

We all learn that sentiment at an early age.

From the harsh words of a bully, to the “I love you’s” from a parent, the expressions of the tongue can either have a negative or positive effect on us.

The Bible even speaks on the sharpness of it.

Words often receive different emotions when spoken in different locations.

Say the word, run, in a fitness center, or in a crowded theater, and you’ll get completely different reactions.

Political correctness has also changed our speech.

It is so difficult in this day and age not to offend someone with a word that has been deemed unacceptable.

Words considered profane have also changed from century to century.

The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is far from accurate.

What really gets me though, is the manipulation the media has on words.

We have been programmed to feel a certain way about an entire group of individuals through words.

Consider the words, christian, muslim, democrat, republican, left, right, and immigrant.

Has the perception of these words changed for you from years ago?

I know they have for me.

We need to be aware of the media influence on our words.

Words are indeed powerful.

Let’s try to speak words of a positive nature rather than sling rocks and break bones.

I have to be careful when writing on mainstream media influence.

They may invoke a word that has become deadly to those who speak their opinion.

That word...cancel.

See you out there.

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