
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


It's a grand old flag

Saturday, June 15, 2019

As we celebrate Flag Day I like to look back on some of the most memorable moments involving our flag.

Betsy Ross sewing the first stars and stripes on the American flag.

The name “Old Glory” being given to the flag by Captain William Driver.

Raising the flag over Iwo-Jima and of course Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting the flag on the moon.

The American Flag is one of our American icons. The star spangled banner represents everything America, along with other icons such as the bald eagle and Uncle Sam.

It’s there at the beginnings of our parades.

It’s significance to us is as diverse as our nation itself.

To the old veteran there are memories of his time serving his country in Korea.

To a doctor, it’s the way the G.I. Bill let him go back to college and fulfill his dream of taking care of the sick in his community.

To some it brings back memories of their time in the sixties, protesting the latest complaint. They know there are very few places in the world that would tolerate their unpopular opinions.

Men, women, and children with their hands over their hearts, honoring our country with their own special memories.

What the flag means to each of us is personal.

It’s an American thing.

It’s ours.

I pray it will always mean something special.

God bless America.

See you out there.

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