

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas this week, natural disasters such as the recent hurricanes and the continued political divide in our nation seems to foster an ever-growing cloak of fear in our communities.

Everywhere I’ve went this week I’ve heard someone say that this is all so scary.

It seems in recent years the country has been gripped in anxiety and fear.

Many say it began with 9/11 and has continued to slowly increase with ISIS threats, homeland terrorism and violent protests.

As a people we are afraid of many things.

The list is mind-boggling long, everything from snakes, drought, floods, unemployment, failure or success, to healthcare, global warming and deportations.

I’ll admit I have had some fearful moments in movie theaters since the 2012 shooting in Aurora, Colorado and I’m never really at ease on a plane since 9/11.

We have become a scared bunch.

This week however I witnessed a group of people , who in what is absolutely terrifying, have shown such heroism and courage that it gives me hope we can turn this around.

Breast cancer survivors and their families.

I’ve seen men and women who could very easily succumb to bone-chilling fear and severe depression, but in every case I’ve heard how the power of positive thinking, community support and unwavering faith helped them in their journey to overcome.

I’ve heard a cancer survivor say that people were her therapy.

I’ve seen men tear up when they share on the courage and determination they witnessed in their spouse.

I’ve seen a mother share of her young daughter passing from this disease, yet carrying on her legacy through breast cancer awareness walks.

These men and women are remarkable and should honored as we begin Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

These people have extraordinary stories and you’ll read many of them in the coming weeks in the DDD.

Friends,everyone one of these folks talked of a common force that guided and supported them through their trial.

They, as well as all of us, have access to something that is more powerful than any weapon.


2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Let us remember this as we walk not only in support of breast cancer awareness, but in our daily lives.

See you out there.

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